Thursday, July 8, 2010

Vote for next week's theme!

I've been so busy getting ready for a trip this weekend that I forgot I was going to have you vote on a theme for next week. 

Here are the two choices:
food or technology

Also, the list that I am using has a few themes that I'm not too wild about so leave a comment if you have your own idea of a fun weekly theme and I will add it to my list as a possibly future theme. Hope you ladies are still having fun with this!


  1. I vote for technology because I'm a tech junkie. Oh yes, and vote before this time tomorrow night because I will need to post the verdict before I leave on Saturday morning! :)

  2. Techno! And I think a fun theme would be signs & billboards. I always see funny ones whether they are taken in or out of context: )

  3. Mmmm, fooooooood.
    Food will always get my vote lol!

  4. Game over.


